So I watched Lee’s videos and related so much to everything he was saying. Arguing with myself drink don’t drink use don’t use it was not me it was my addiction the beast and me arguing with each other in my own head crazy right.
To any one who has never had an addiction, yes this sounds crazy, me and people like me know this is not crazy this is what happens. So I was In a world my world where I thought I was unworthy of any ones love time effort or guidance from any other human but thought give it a go and see if this man can help me or if he is willing to try and typed out a message explaining everything that was happening.
Within a few minutes I got a message back from Marcus (my hero my life saver) he asked for my number so we could speak. We did this over voice notes on WhatsApp. This guy said to me we can sort this and for once in my life this human wanted to actually help and that he did.
From that day I met with Marcus we spoke about how I had got to this point and when this man promised to help me I actually felt he meant it. We spoke every day, every battle he talked me through only ever one call away, one message away nothing was ever too much. He told me about the walk and talk and asked would I be up for it my response was I’ll do anything you ask of me I want to end this and again he promised me we will put this to bed once and for all.
The first walk I got out my car and back In again. I can’t do this am scared I don’t know these people when I stepped out the car that day. I never thought this would lead me down the path am on today living happy and free.
I live my life now not the life of an addict. I came into this early on so it was just the walk on a Saturday after the first walk and I had met everyone I felt more relaxed and confident the people were all inspirational to me just people like me wanting to live and live free.
Then came the Wednesday meeting, these are more intense but vital to my recovery and every one else’s, then the gym sessions, we go the gym, we exercise and laugh together, a group of people who fought, we listened, we applied the techniques and we became friends along the way helping each other and guiding each other.
My life now is me waking up every morning and smiling feeling happy to be alive, no suicidal thoughts, happy kids who have their mum back. I have ambition I have plans for my future and I will succeed. This group didn’t just help with my addiction it healed me in ways I never ever thought possible it showed me I meant something to people, I am worthy and am wanted.
These amazing people are now my friends true friends and I am living free, living proof that you can win this battle you can win the war.
Do it the right way give it 100 percent and these guys will match it and will give you a 100 percent back. You will break free you will live you will survive.
29th March 9.38am, the day I spoke to Marcus, the day I reached out the day my life started.
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